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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Michael’s Spiritual Reflection–02/10/2021

Fr. Michael’s Spiritual Reflection–02/10/2021

Mardi Gras

    This is the last refection before next Wednesday, Ash Wednesday.  So let’s talk about Mardi Gras.  For me, Mardi Gras has significance not so much as a day of indulgence, but, like Christmas Eve perhaps, as a day that precedes a particularly solemn season.  As with many things in life, it’s the anticipation that makes it pleasurable, and the eve of Ash Wednesday offers a moment to experience quite an anticipation.  It can be a real relief to have a last bit of feasting and revelry before the long Lenten penitential season begins, even though it might be a little low key this year because of the virus. 


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