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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–02/18/2021

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–02/18/2021


    So the ashes were sprinkled and you can’t ignore that Lent is here again.  So like New Year’s Eve, people want to know what your resolutions are for Lent.  Did you have a good answer?

    I did some checking again about the history of our celebrating Lent.  Word comes from an old English word meaning “springtime or spring.”  That didn’t help.  A word from West German tradition indicates that it meant “long days.”  That didn’t help either.  I’m glad I could just rely on the Bible to appreciate this time of 40 days.  Jesus spent 40 days praying and fasting in the desert to prepare for His gift of the Cross and Resurrection.  So we have these days to prepare for the same gift of Good Friday and Easter.

    I like to think of this time as an opportunity for God to have access to my heart and soul…To see where that heart is…To have a time to see if I fell to temptation of any kind where God wasn’t important enough (time to say I’m sorry)…To see what really is important…To just spend a little more time talking to God.  So what Jesus did, I can do too.  He faced temptations in the desert; He fasted; and He spent a lot of time talking to God.

    So it will be Spring soon and the days may seem long where there is sacrifice, but Lent isn’t hard after all.  Besides not eating as much and having seafood seems okay with me!


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