Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–11/03/2021
St. Martin dePorres
Thoughts on St. Martin dePorres whose feast we celebrate today. Getting my Co-vid booster shot today and it has me reflect on St. Martin because he had such a great love for the poor, especially those who were sick. Martin joined the Dominicans and he would spend hours in the presence of Eucharist and that moved him to get qualified to care for people. He not only became a nurse, but also became a surgeon. I admire him for his care-giving. He had a tough childhood because his father could not accept him as he was born also of a Panamanian ex-slave and he thus was dark skinned. He became the first black man to be declared a saint.
The Scripture from his celebration this morning surely speaks to his life…Jesus said it would not be easy to follow him but it would all be contained in his message to Love God and Love your neighbor. I’m reminded of Earl who owned a supper club in my home town of LaSalle, IL and he had a sign that he spoke of all the time…”You think this is Easy?” Caring for the sick and elderly is not easy and I applaud and pray for all care-givers today.