Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–12/09/2021
Hail Mary Full Of Grace
We just celebrated the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Mother. It is so appropriate to have a feast dedicated to Mary during the season of Advent. No one prepared better for the birth of Jesus than Mary and Joseph.
In the gospel for the feast, we read about the Genesis story of Adam and Eve not obeying God. Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. All they had to do was admit they were wrong and ask for forgiveness. Perhaps if they did, we would be living in paradise. Sometimes we see the same in our world, not admitting our wrongdoing, not asking for forgiveness and not saying we’re sorry.
Mary always said NO to sin and YES to God. Can’t think of a better way to prepare for Christmas than to follow Mary’s lead…Yes to God and No to sin. But at least to admit to myself and God that there are times when I am wrong and need to say I’m sorry and ask for forgiveness. Jesus gave us a way when he instituted the Sacrament of Reconciliation and encourages us to go to confession. That would be a great gift for Christ at Christmas. Thank you, Mary, for your love of Christ and the example you give us.