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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–4/17/2024

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–4/17/2024

Let All the Earth Cry Out to God with Joy

    Every year here in Chicago, I’m tempted to complain about the cold and snow. But I always catch myself and sit thinking about the beautiful spring, summer and colorful fall coming soon.  Besides I try and schedule parish missions in California, Arizona, Texas or Florida during those cold months (I do have an eighth grade education).

    And here it is….Spring.  I love seeing everything God created come to life.  It’s like God’s gardens have their own Easter, their own resurrection.  How lucky (Blessed) we are and grateful we should be.  Might be a nice time to squeeze in an extra Eucharist or two.  He wouldn’t mind.  I’m going to remind myself more often what the response was to the Scripture today…”Let All the Earth Cry Out to God with Joy.”  Even in the midst of anything not so pleasant, I’m going to look for the good, the joy.  Let people see our joy.  That may be the miracle they were hoping for today.


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