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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection-7/17/2024

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection-7/17/2024

Which Stars Last the Longest

    We just finished the All Star break in baseball.  We saw the home run derby and the game between the National and American Leagues.  There were baseball stars everywhere.  Even former all stars were recognized and applauded.  But which one last the longest?  I would suspect very few people would care or can remember last year’s winners in the home run derby or even the game itself.  Brings me to a more comforting question about stars.

    The ones that last the longest are up in the sky.  They are so beautiful at night and in some places of our country there seem to be millions of them available for us to see.  This just reminds me of how great God is.  The mystery and beauty of creation.  God gave us the sun, the moon, the stars and this land we call ours.  Actually, it belongs to God we are just renters.  But we are well aware as we look up in the sky that only GOD could create such wonders.  My reflection is to never stop praising and thanking GOD for what He does for us and will continue to do.  It is His world and we are asked to take care of it.  Let us work together to make the beauty continue as we pass it on to the next generation.


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