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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection—1/29/25

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection—1/29/25


    As we begin another year, I am reminded that Pope Francis has asked us to focus on HOPE during the Jubilee year.  There are many ideas on how to do this but I am going to offer one reflection.  Hope comes from within us and then offered to others.  It is based on the fact that the Easter message of Resurrection is our future and Jesus saved us and offered heaven.  I believe that Jesus wanted us to celebrate this often, if not daily.  At least we have the opportunity weekly with our Sunday Mass attendance.

    But my thought is this.  Church can’t change our past, but it can give us a future.  Going to church on Sundays is a privilege and a way to thank Jesus for what He did for us.  It won’t make every thing right and good now, but will surely pave the way to our eternal home in heaven.  This gives me HOPE and I spend a lot of my time trying to share this with others, like you.  Please know that you are always in the mind and heart of Jesus.  Please realize that He loves you and this should be a sign of HOPE for all!

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