Fr. Robert Gielow C.M. was born in LaSalle, Illinois in 1943. He attended St. Vincent DePaul High School seminary in Lemont, Illinois and graduated in 1961.
Fr. Bob entered the Vincentian Fathers and Brothers novitiate in 1961. After two years as a novice, he completed his college education at Saint Mary’s Seminary in Perryville, Missouri where he was awarded a B.A. degree in Philosophy. Father Gielow completed his theology studies at DeAndreis seminary in Lemont, Illinois and was ordained in May, 1971.
Upon receiving a Master’s degree in Counseling from Southwest Missouri State he joined the faculty of Regina Cleri Seminary in Tucson, Arizona. After four years in Tucson, Father Bob joined the faculty at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois. During his eight years at the University, he served as Director of Campus Ministry and as Director of Athletics.
After completing his Master’s degrees in Divinity and Religious Studies, he became Director of Vocations for the Midwest Province of the Vincentians. He served in that capacity for four years and upon completion of a Masters degree in Pastoral Studies at Loyola University in 1987, he joined the Vincentian Parish Mission team.