Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection – 04/20/2016
“Dreams and dreamers make the world a better place.”
It seems like months since I shared a reflection. Maybe it has been.
I’m reporting that I am sleeping very well these days and I believe it’s because I’m having pleasant dreams instead of nightmares.
Dreams and dreamers make the world a better place. Abraham Lincoln had a dream where every person would be free. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream of justice and equality for all. Jesus had an even bigger dream (for which He later died), a dream where there would be peace, justice, love and joy for everyone in the world.
Jesus asked 12 “wild and crazy guys” to follow him to build a church where His dream would come true. What a fabulous idea this was. Last week the leader of that church, Our Holy Father Pope Francis asked 12 people to follow him home from Greece. They were refugees and all they kept saying was that Pope Francis made their dreams come true.
But it was not magic. It was not rubbing a magic lantern or blowing out birthday candles. It was a partnership with God, for with Him all things are possible.
Our parents prayed and sacrificed so our dreams would come true. Now it’s our turn. Today partner with God and make someone’s dream come true….
…then you too can sleep well tonight!