Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–12/11/2024
Pope St. Damasus
Today is celebrated as Wednesday of the second week of Advent, but I’m sharing with you that it is also the feast day of Pope St. Damasus. Damasus was born in Portugal but later was in Rome and became its bishop and in the year 366 became the Pope. His papacy was a difficult one as there were so many heresies that he fought especially those challenging the divinity of Jesus.
There was even a political move to have another pope, later known is an antipope. But Damasus stayed true to his faith and survived as the real pope. He is credited with establishing Rome as the See of the Catholic Church, so that the tradition from St. Peter would continue. Damasus also established the Bible with its present selection of books.
I so appreciate someone who fought so hard for what was right and needed. The gospel on his feast day so fits him as Jesus told the crowds…”Come to me all you who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest.’