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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection-2/22/2023

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection-2/22/2023

Ash Wednesday

    Christians all over the world find this time of the year special.  Today begins the season of Lent to prepare for the celebration of Easter.  Easter is our crowning victory and Christians remember how Jesus used the first Lent to prepare for His upcoming suffering and death and then His Resurrection.  Jesus was so unique in His always living what he preached and His Lent was a witness to battling temptations, sacrificing and spending quality time with God.

    So each year we have the opportunity to try to imitate what He showed us.  Some people give up certain things to do some sacrificing.   Some try to eliminate bad habits.  Some spend a little extra time in prayer or going to church.  It doesn’t matter what as long as it reflects what Jesus tried to show us.  I like to think of Lent as something a child would do to surprise and please his parents, like cleaning his room without being asked.  Surely Jesus wanted to  please His Father and His Lent was a good way.  Maybe you can do something nobody would expect and it made a difference.

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