Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection—2/5/2025
Feast Day of St. Agatha
Today is the feast of St. Agatha. Her story is made to be a movie. She was born in a Catania of Sicily and suffered torture and martyrdom because she refused to marry a corrupt and abusive governor, who offered her freedom from the edict of everyone required to offer sacrifices to false gods. She was only 20 years old. The town adored her and she became a hero to the people. Here’s why! After her death, Catania was threatened by the violent eruption of Mount Etna. To stop the lava from destroying everyone, the inhabitants used the white veil on Agatha’s tomb and the miracle happened that the veil turned red and the eruption stopped on February 5th, the anniversary of Agatha’s death.
Today Catania celebrates for three days the gift of St. Agatha. God has spoken in so many different ways and through so many different people. We will never exhaust His genius.