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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–02/04/2021

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–02/04/2021


    There is a song from the Broadway musical, “Fiddler on the Roof” entilted, “Tradition” speaking of things that don’t change but seem to have been here forever.

    I began thinking of all the traditions in the Catholic Church that we have held on to for all these centuries.  Here are a few of them:  frantically praying to St. Anthony to find something I lost; calling on St. Jude when pondering a hopeless case; having pets blessed on feast of St. Francis; excitement at our First Holy Communion; blessing of throats on feast of St. Blaise; incense, candles, indulgences, miraculous medals; and of course ashes on Ash Wednesday; or a desire to take a trip to Rome and visit the Pope in St. Peter’s square.

    I conclude that these have had a part in your life as a Catholic.  They don’t make you or define you as Catholic.  There is only ONE thing that identifies you as Catholic and that is the Eucharist.  I am so happy that you have such a great devotion and desire for this great gift.  It is for those who hunger and want the Lord.  It is at the heart of who we are and hope to be.  The sacrament of Life and Love.  Treasure it, for it will last forever.  Amen to that!

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