Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection – 05/04/2016
Sometimes young people get a bad rap for not being interested in the more spiritual aspects of our lives.
Last week I was asked to conduct a day of recollection for all the eighth graders in the Springfield, Missouri area. I thought the event went well. At least they responded in a way that was good to see.
My focus was the signs we look for in a Freshman that indicate he/she really “GETS IT”. I presented ten of the signs and then the group broke into small groups where each small group had to decide which of the ten signs were the two most important.
Without their realizing, I was giving them an experience in Consensus Building. All ten are good but they had to discuss and decide which two they agreed were the most important and finally pick their #1 sign.
Here are the ten signs I gave them:
- Know right from wrong and choose the right.
- Choose friends who support my Catholic Christian Values.
- Won’t give in to peer pressure when it comes to drugs, alcohol or sex.
- Choose to practice modesty in my clothing.
- Believe God has a plan for me.
- Know the difference between needing and wanting.
- Don’t have to do wrong behavior to get attention.
- Making fun or bullying others hurts others and not what God wants of me.
- Know I can save lives by reaching out to the lonely, sad and depressed students.
- Realize that prayer and worship are marks of true heroes in God’s army.
The three signs that appeared on most of the groups decisions were:
- “Know right from wrong and choose the right”
- “Know I can save lives by reaching out to the lonely, sad and depressed students”
- “Believe God has a plan for me.”
While I was certainly impressed with the results of this exercise, what was most encouraging was their participation in Mass at the beginning of our day. They prayed, listened, sang and generally were very much into the liturgy. Sometimes young people get a bad rap for not being interested in the more spiritual aspects of our lives. This was not evident on this day.
I congratulate them. I hope and pray that they will continue this journey of making a difference in the world they plan to inspire and one day lead.
My best to you at this time. Be good to yourself for me.