Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–10/25/2023
This is the day the Lord has made
While we mourn the loss of Fr. Michael Mulhearn, C.M. who was on our Parish Mission team for many, many years. We take this time to thank God for having Bob and Dick Gielow on the Mission team. They are still conducting many parish missions as they carry our St. Vincent de Paul’s dream.
The picture connected to this refection is presented because on Sunday, October 29th, they will celebrate their 160th Birthday. We pay tribute to them and thank their parents, Robert and Virginia for giving them such a great foundation in their faith. The Daughters of Charity and the Vincentian Fathers and their sister, Mary Ann also had a great part in their future as Vincentian priests, preaching parish missions. We can surely agree with the title of this reflection, “This is the day the Lord has made.” It was His plan that Bob and Dick take this path.
It is interesting that on this weekend, they will be conducting a parish mission at Sacred Heart parish in Pinehurst, NC. On Sunday, there will surely be a special celebration for their 160th. They celebrated their 140th at this same parish. They are very blessed to be who they are and what they do. They could not have achieved this without the support, love and generosity of all the laity who have been there for them all these years. God Bless them and we are glad that this is the day the Lord has made.