Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–11/20/2024
St. Maria de Soledad
The picture chosen is a statue of St. Maria de Soledad, the foundress of the Sisters, Servants of Mary, a religious community dedicated to caring for the sick. As nurses, they attend to the sick, especially the terminally ill and nurse from 7pm to 7am in the homes so as to give family time to sleep.
I forgot her feast on October 11, so I am honoring them today with this reflection. In 1977, Sisters Fatima and Alphonsa came to my office at St. John Seminary and told me that I HAD to be their confessor. They said I couldn’t say NO! So forty-eight years later I am still their confessor, and it has been one of the greatest blessings in my priesthood. They are the holiest people I know and the happiest. Their dedication to the sick is so wonderful and so inspiring.
They remind us of the corporal work of mercy to care for the sick. A former bishop of Cape-Springfield, MO, John Leibrecht, always visited his priests in the hospital or nursing home. One time visiting Fr. Val who was close to dying, Bishop couldn’t get a response. Finally, Fr. Val opened his eyes and Bishop asked him how he was doing. Fr. Val said I was hoping it was Jesus but it’s just you. They had a good laugh but Fr. Val really appreciated his love and concern. God Bless you for the times you visited the sick.