Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–4/12/2023
Easter Never Ends
The picture of the desert shows its beauty. Sometimes the thought of desert seems so dark and dusty with no color or beauty. I’m sure when Jesus spent forty days in the desert it wasn’t such a great experience. However, He brought beauty wherever he went. He touched the blind and the crippled and they were able to see and walk. He fed the five thousand who were hungry. He taught the elders in the synagogue. He touched the hearts of those to whom he preached. He nourished the disciples at the last supper. He gave heaven to the repentant thief. He loved everyone and as Easter proved He brought the ultimate beauty in the Resurrection to us.
I hope you will let Him touch you, heal you, preach to you, nourish you, strengthen you now as He did among us. He brings beauty to our world. I pray you will always have time to thank Him and do it in person at His house on Sundays. As a priest it was so heartwarming to see so many people at church last Sunday but it breaks my heart to know that many who were at church Easter Sunday may not be there in the weeks ahead. But I am optimistic that because Jesus loves us so much he will continue to bring His children back home. May your Easter joy never end!