Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–7/5/2023
Fourth Of July
It was a great day yesterday, wasn’t it? For the most part we were free of Covid, could attend street festivals and fireworks displays, travel and enjoy celebrating. The picture I chose for this week is the flag that was flown over Pearl Harbor and given to Fr. Frank Crowley, C.M. He gave it to me before he left us for heaven. I look at it often to remind me why we were able to celebrate on the FOURTH!
The stars represent to me the REAL stars who served our country well in the armed forces. When I think of all those who lost their lives in World Wars I and II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War plus those lost in other parts of world, I am aware of why we CAN celebrate. They sacrificed so much even their lives so that I could live in a country that allows me freedom, privacy and independence. As the saying goes, “We should never forget”! So today while I reflect upon the greatness of yesterday and the joy and fun I had, I say a prayer of thanksgiving for those Veterans and for all those who lost their lives for me and you. We are truly blessed that there were and are people in our world who think of others and act accordingly.